The subject matter: political violence

The film: Homegrown

Homegrown is an unflinching chronicle of Americans at war with each other. Three right-wing activists—a newly politicized father-to-be in New Jersey, an Air Force veteran organizing conservatives in New York City, and a charismatic activist from Texas—crisscross the country in the summer of 2020, campaigning for Donald Trump and building a movement they hope will outlast him. When they become convinced that the election is stolen, they take their fight to the streets. The result is a chilling portrait of a growing movement pushing American democracy to the brink.

Join Subject Matter at screenings of Homegrown at DOC NYC:

Sunday, November 17 at 3:15 PM at IFC Center, NYC
Monday, November 18 at 9:30 PM at IFC Center, NYC

The nonprofit: The 22nd Century Initiative

The 22nd Century Initiative works toward a people-powered multi-racial democracy in this century and the next by advancing strategic alignment that brings together frontline organizations, national pro-democracy groups, training resources, think tanks, and advocacy organizations.

Subject Matter will add $100 to every donation of any size during DOC NYC, up to $5,000. Go here to learn more about 22CI’s work or to download the Anti-Authoritarian Playbook and other resources.

Homegrown received a $20,000 grant to reach more audiences and support their impact, outreach, and distribution efforts. The 22nd Century Initiative received a $20,000 grant to support their important work in fostering a people-powered multi-racial democracy. Their efforts focus on uniting networks through anti-authoritarian strategies and sharing methods to harness collective power to put an end to political violence.

The Filmmakers & Nonprofit Leaders