Subject Matter Audience Action Fund - Girls For A Change

Join us in creating a positive community action in response to Daughters!

Subject Matter will add $100 to each donation of any size made during the 2024 DOC NYC (up to $2,500). 

Hi, we're Subject Matter and we're inviting you to join us in creating a positive community action in response to the powerful film you just saw, Daughters

We have made an initial donation of $25,000 to Girls For A Change, the nonprofit featured in the film and run by Daughter's co-director Angela Patton that works to prepare Black girls for the world and the world for Black girls. 

Subject Matter’s grant will help Girls For A Change establish an education fund for the girls who participated in the film. The fund will provide much needed resources for them to attend a two or four year college, and aims to help counteract the impacts of mass incarceration on their childhoods.

Audiences at Sundance Film Festival joined us in Will you join us in contributing to the education fund? 100% of your donation (minus credit card processing fees) will go to Girls For A Change. 

Subject Matter has also awarded a $25,000 grant to Daughters to support their impact and audience outreach efforts to bring their film to more people.

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