The subject matter: protecting the human rights and dignity of people born with intersex traits

The Film: Every Body

Every Body is a revelatory investigation of the lives of intersex people. The film tells the stories of three individuals who have moved from childhoods marked by shame, secrecy, and non-consensual surgeries to thriving adulthoods after each decided to set aside medical advice to keep their bodies a secret and instead came out as their authentic selves.

This grant was awarded as part of Subject Matter’s collaboration with the 2023 Tribeca Festival.

The Nonprofit: interACT

interACT uses innovative legal strategies, to advocate for the human rights of children born with intersex traits. The interACT Youth program develops the leadership of intersex people ages 13-29 with a goal to build advocacy skills and support for the next generation of young intersex leaders.

Join us in donating to interACT. Subject Matter will be at the screenings of Every Body at Tribeca Festival to rally audiences into joining us in donating to interACT’s Youth Leadership Program. Learn more here. Other ways to support: Follow | Awareness Resources

Every Body received a $25,000 grant to plan and execute impact screening events in conjunction with the film’s release. interACT received a $25,000 grant to support their Youth Leadership Program which provides advocacy skills and support for the next generation of young intersex leaders.

The Filmmakers & Nonprofit Leaders