The subject matter: violence, racism, and hate crimes

The Film: 36 Seconds: Portrait of a Hate Crime

In 2015, three Muslim-American students were executed while eating dinner in their home in Chapel Hill, NC. The film charts the victims’ families’ agonizing overnight pivot from trauma to advocacy as they struggle to prevent their loved ones’ deaths from being dismissed as the result of a random parking dispute. They courageously speak the truth about the hate crime that has destroyed their lives, about the overt and insidious ways racism plays out in our society and about the need to reform a hate crime system that is broken.

This grant was awarded as part of Subject Matter’s collaboration with DOC NYC.

36 Seconds: Portrait of a Hate Crime had its World Premiere on Saturday, November 11th at DOC NYC. Learn more about the film here.

The Nonprofit: Our Three Winners

Our Three Winners Foundation was founded to honor the short, but rich lives of Deah Barakat, Yusor Abu-Salha, and Razan Abu-Salha after their tragic murders in 2015. The foundation supports grants that develop systematic and lasting solutions and interventions to mitigate prejudice, bigotry, and hate crimes.

Subject Matter will donate $200 to Our Three Winners for every person who makes a donation of any size now through the film’s premiere on November 11th (up to $5,000)! Update: Generous audiences met our challenge and we donated an additional $5,000 to Our Three Winners! Thank you!

Join us in donating to Our Three Winners. Subject Matter was at 36 Seconds screenings at DOC NYC and invited audiences to join us in donating to Our Three Winners, raising over $5k!

Other ways to support: Follow | Explore their Resource page.

36 Seconds: Portrait of a Hate Crime received a $20,000 grant to support their audience outreach and impact efforts, and festival travel assistance. Our Three Winners received a $20,000 grant to support their work on implicit bias awareness to help eliminate hate.

The Filmmakers & Nonprofit Leaders